What would make an individual stand for what is right, even when his life is on the line?

    An army of men was from the city of Thebias and were most well known as the Theban Legion. The army consisted of 6,666 Christian men. The legion got its orders from the emperor Maximian. In the year of 286 AD, Maximian commanded the army a horrible task: to assist in the extirpation of Christianity in Gaul. The men of the Theban Legion immediately refused. When they refused, Maximian was in fury and started to persecute the men of the Theban Legion. The men planted their feet in what they knew was right, even during this horrid time.

    I believe that the men of the Theban Legion did not give in to the pain because they had very little fear of man but an extremely high view of God. Because the Bible says not to murder, the men did not obey a command that contradicted what they believed. The men did not think it was God-honoring to murder innocent Christians. They had the fear of God.  More than likely, the men knew that they would not have been blessed if they committed this sin.

    The Theban Legion knew that the pain was only temporary, and they would have an award waiting in heaven. I think that the men envisioned something bigger than themselves. They wanted eternal happiness, rather than temporal satisfaction. They gripped on to the Word of God and followed it to the end.

    In conclusion, these men are a good example of what it means to be committed to Christ. We should all want to do what is right, no matter the cost. Do not stop. Finish the race!


  1. These writers have written about a time in history when there was an absence of Holiness brought to light by the martyrs. We look at various times in history when this has occurred and think they have ended, but in reality, we are living in an America where the large part of our population has the goal of unholiness. What we can expect of the future in this country is more rejection of Biblical truth to the point where we may have to decide if we will remain true in the face of persecution. As Christians, we are called to be on a path of Holiness because of our Lord Jesus Christ and our striving in the Spirit leads us on a daily path of Sanctification. "Quit you like men" is how the Bible expresses this walk.


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