EPIPODIUS by Micah Ace


    How does a man face... beheading!? How does a man die for his faith? What an example of bravery from Epipodius!

Epipodius was separated from his mentor, Alexander, as the leaders tried to keep them from fortifying each other. “I will never give up my faith,” said Epipodius as he learned from Alexander.

Epipodius faced much persecution as he wouldn’t recant his faith. He was stretched on the racks; his flesh was torn with iron hooks; and he was... beheaded! “Your pretend tenderness is actually cruelty,” screamed the tormenters.

How would you like to be like Epipodius and stand in the face of evil? Epipodius didn’t quit on God. He stayed strong. He encourages other Christians to stay strong and firm on their foundation of Jesus Christ.

All the actions of Epipodius should make us want to stay strong when separated or persecuted. If you were persecuted and separated from your spiritual mentor, how would you react? What are you doing today to help you be like Epipodius and not forsake Jesus?


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