RUFUS by Matthew Roberts

 “Men belonging to the [thundering legion], who were all Christians were commanded to call on their God for succor” (Foxe 24). This mighty act of God all started . . . let's imagine, through one young man called Rufus, who at the age of nineteen was led to Christ by the Apostle Paul. The details of this story Foxe records. We imagine the movement for Christ beginning through this young man, Rufus.

After his salvation, Rufus heard his pastor preach on Mark 16:15. Rufus decided to be a light for Jesus Christ, despite the darkness of the godless world that encompassed him. Whether it was in the workplace or in the marketplace, Rufus always had the message of the love of Christ on the tip of his tongue, ready to tell anyone that brought up spiritual things. This was not always easy, because the Roman government was not very tolerant of Christianity. While it is hard to have a specific number, it is estimated that thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Christians were martyred; but Rufus could not be stopped. Many to whom he witnessed perceived the love, joy, and peace he had; and they also accepted Christ. 

A few years after Rufus was saved, he had to do his military time; and while he was a little nervous, he was excited about what God would do through him. He continued to witness for Christ. Rufus became part of a legion called the militine, also known as the thundering legion, because of their extreme fierceness and thunder-like battle cry. His overseers realized how talented this young man was and eventually promoted him to the commander of his legion. As commander, Rufus had more opportunities than ever before to witness for Christ! He received a lot of flak from his peers and overseers, but because the legion was the best of them all, they could not take him out. Eventually, seventy-five percent of his legion became born again!

One day, the army was going to quell some protesting nations, and they were led into a dire trap. All indications pointed to the capture of the entire army. Time was running out. Others were calling desperately upon their false pagan gods to save them, but alas, none came. Rufus heard the orders given to his legion: stop fighting and cry out to God to save them. Immediately, the sky grew dark and the winds surged. Brilliant lightning shot through the sky and earsplitting thunder followed. A deluge of water immediately flooded the enemy’s trenches, rendering their positions useless. Many troops of the Romans' opposition defected to the Roman army. It was clear that only a miracle of God could have affected this amazing victory.

The commander of the whole army gave an order for all to hear Rufus speak of the One True God that had delivered them out of the hands of the enemy. A brief reprieve (of about two years) from Roman persecution followed, and Rufus was no longer ridiculed when he would tell others of Christ’s love for them.


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