THE FAITHFUL by Luke Gulczynski

            What kind of persecution did Christians face during Domitian’s rule and who were some people martyred for their faith? Emperor Domitian foreshadowed his horrific cruelty at the very start of his reign in A.D. 81. He began by slaying his brother and brutally killing anyone else who got in his way or anyone he didn’t like. Christians were a primary target for him. He even tried to kill the people that were descendants from the famous king David. Instead of giving up, Christians became stronger in their faith and glorified God through the discouragement. 

            Emperor Domitian used many tactics to eliminate or discourage persecuted believers. Most of the dreadful acts were through torture, in which many martyrs faced slow and agonizing deaths. Even through these formidable tests, many Christians stood for their faith and met death with open arms, knowing that God would be on the other side of the pain. Some of these diabolic tactics were worse than others. Many Christians were crucified; the Apostle John was even boiled in oil, but he survived. One less cruel punishment was banishment, but that would still test someone’s faith. True faith in God was the only thing keeping these Christians from denouncing Christ.    

            The emperor also blamed the Christians for natural diseases and famines that had caused many to experience painful hardships. Because others thought the Christians were causing diseases and famines, people began hating Christians even more. They began to turn Christians in or tell officials where Christians were. Through all this, the Christians endured severe persecution, but their testimonies influenced many to endure harsh persecutions. 

            Today's Christians are challenged when they wonder if they would have as much faith as the Christians during Domitian’s reign and be able to face the persecutions of that time.


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