PETER by Johanna Henning

           What makes a man speak against wrong when it means torture and death? Because of his bold defiance against Optimus’ god, Peter was stretched upon a wheel, whereby all his bones were broken and then sent to be beheaded in A.D. 249 under Decius. 

     Peter was bold. His voice rang thunderous and vigorous as he spoke to the proconsul of Asia, Optimus: “I am astonished you should sacrifice to an infamous woman, whose debaucheries even your own historians record, and whose life consisted of such actions as your laws would punish. No, I shall offer the true God the acceptable sacrifice of praises and prayers” (Foxe 28). He valiantly did not deny Christ, although the cracking of his bones was heard by all onlookers. Still he persisted and spoke against their god, Venus.

            Peter was intelligent and had “superior qualities of his body and mind.” Peter knew exactly what to say when defying Optimus’ god, Venus, which made Optimus exasperated. On hearing these words, Optimus gave no mercy and ordered Peter’s bones to be brutally broken by being stretched on a wheel. Afterward, he sent Peter to be beheaded.

            Peter was courageous. He was undaunted when boldly speaking against Venus. Peter’s courage made him not deny Christ when the stretching of the wheel made his body ache and his bones crack. Although he was in much pain with all his bones broken and about to be beheaded, he stayed close to the Lord.

            Peter’s life can encourage us to live for Christ no matter what the circumstances may be. Be bold and full of courage when standing up for Christ, and don’t be ashamed of your Lord. Remember, as Peter did: don’t deny Christ in your last days.


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