Symphorosa and her seven sons were forced to sacrifice to many gold and silver homemade heathen deities; but because they strongly rejected, they were tortured to death. Symphorosa and her seven sons were persecuted because they believed that there was one God and that they could not go to Heaven by good works. Symphorosa and her seven sons were taken to the cross, hard-hearted emperor Trajan, who ordered them to sacrifice to the heathen deities; but because they refused, they were thrown into a dark, damp, cold prison. 

        First, Symphorosa and her seven sons were steadfast. When they were taken to the bossy emperor, they refused to sacrifice to many gold and silver heathen deities. They might have been a little nervous, but they stood steadfast in the One who died for them. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they knew that by disobeying the emperor, they were risking their lives to do what was right. 

            Secondly, Symphorosa and her seven sons were bold. They were bold in trying to witness to the cross emperor and the other angry prison guards, but when the youngest son was sawed asunder, the brothers probably praised God that they could be counted worthy to suffer shame, so that the name of Jesus Christ could be glorified. 

            Last of all, Symphorosa and her seven sons were brave. How would you like to be whipped and then hung by your hair? Would you have been like Symphorosa and her seven sons, or would you have let go of your faith so that you could live a longer life? This would have been a tough decision even for me, but I would like to try to be like Symphorosa and her seven sons. After Symphorosa and her sons were in jail for many days, the jailer brought them out, whipped them, and then grabbed Symphorosa’s long hair and hung her to try to get her to recant Christ, so that her sons would follow in recanting. 

            These three things stood out to me about Symphorosa and her seven sons. Her testimony encouraged me to be faithful to Christ even to the end. If you are going through a tough time, pray to God, and He will help you to trust him in the time of your worst trouble. Another thing you can do is read the Bible. Because God is God of Love, He will show you what verses in the Bible can comfort you during such times.



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