BLANDINA by Bethany Roberts

    How did the martyr Blandina never renounce Jesus even in the most appalling states? Blandina lived during the fourth persecution of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus in A.D.162. This woman went through numerous persecutions before she actually died. In one of them, she was fastened to a board while her persecutors let a wild beast enter the arena. The wild beast didn't touch her, because she had people praying for her.

   Blandina wasnt embarrassed at being tormented for her faith in Jesus Christ. She had to sit in front of laughing crowds of people while being tormented. Blandina probably had people scoff at her and treat her like a good-for-nothing person. People probably thought her bizarre because she followed this God that was costing her, her life. If you got laughed at for your faith in the one true God would you still stand for Him?

    Well done thou good and faithful servant.” That is, Im sure, something that Blandina heard from her dear Lord Jesus when she went to be with Him. Blandina never once recanted, even through the toughest, bloodiest of persecutions. Blandina prayed and encouraged others to be more faithful. She also encouraged them to pray for others that are facing hardships as well.

    Blandina had hurts and pains--hurts and pains from the persecutions that she received. Hurts and pains from leaving her beloved family. Blandina never thought once of rejecting her faithful Lord Jesus, even though she went through agonizing pain, like sitting in red hot iron chairs till her flesh broiled!

    Through these trying circumstances and situations, Blandina trusted Jesus. Sometimes we a Christians don't stand for Jesus, even when we aren't facing persecution. What about you? Are you afraid to stand for Jesus?

Works Cited

Foxe, John. Foxe's Book of Martyrs.


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