Faith Under Fire: Stories of Unshaken Courage

Throughout history, believers in Jesus Christ have faced trials that tested their faith to the breaking point. Some were ridiculed, others imprisoned, and many even gave their lives—all for the sake of the One they followed. Jesus himself forewarned His followers, saying, " He that findeth his life shall lose it : and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it" ( Matt. 10:39) . This timeless call has echoed through generations, inspiring countless Christians to stay true in the face of persecution. The theme of persecution is one that has shadowed believers since the early days of Christianity, shaping our faith and reminding us of what it truly means to follow Christ. Students in the 7th-12th grade Student Advancement Day Writing Class (An Introduction to Journalism) have taken on the challenge of exploring this theme through selected stories in Foxe's Book of Martyrs . This book recounts powerful accounts of believers who paid the ultimate price for their fa...